Put Your Happiness at the Forefront of This Year
Job Seekers/Employees
You deserve to be happy. But sometimes, job duties, responsibilities, and life, in general, can get in the way.  If this sounds all-too-familiar, then there is good news. The New Year is an…
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Stop Job Hopping & Start Being Honest in Interviews About Your Goals & Wants
Job Seekers/Employees
When you change jobs too often, you might end up with the dreaded label: “job hopper.” You’re ready to commit but just haven’t found the position that’s a fit for you.…
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Thank You Notes Aren’t Just for After the Interview
Job Seekers/Employees
You know that after a job interview, it’s essential to send a thank you note to the hiring manager. When you do, you can take advantage of an opportunity to set yourself apart from other…
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Why You Should Be Starting the New Year With Gratitude in Mind
Job Seekers/Employees
It’s a New Year and a fresh start for everyone. But if you’re still in the same old job, you might be feeling less-than-grateful. However, it’s essential to change your attitude and…
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5 Phrases to Use With Your Boss When Feeling Unengaged at Work
Job Seekers/Employees
In a perfect world, you’d love your job every single day. In reality, you’re growing disengaged and unhappy at work with each passing week. Should you jump ship or approach your boss…
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5 Skills Every Woodworker Should Have Under Their Toolbelt
Job Seekers/Employees
Do you love the smell of wood and the sound of saws? Then a career in woodworking might be right for you. But before you make a move and try to get an industrial job in woodworking in Grand Rapids,…
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A Day in the Life of a Molding Machine Operator
Job Seekers/Employees
Interested in manufacturing jobs in Grand Rapids, specifically as a molding machine operator? Not quite sure what one does on a daily basis? Gill Staffing is here to help. To ensure you jump into this…
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Avoid the Sunday Blues by Getting a Job You Love
Job Seekers/Employees
With the weekend quickly receding, does your mood go down the tubes with it? If this sounds familiar, there is a better way to live. When you have a job you love, Sundays won’t be such a drag.…
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3 Ways to Show Your Boss You’re Ready for More Responsibility
Job Seekers/Employees
You know you’re ready for a promotion. But it’s up to you to convince your boss that you can do the job. What’s the best way to demonstrate your potential and get their attention in…
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How Temporary Work Can Help You Get Your First Job After School
Job Seekers/Employees
Congratulations! You’ve just graduated and are ready to embark on your first post-school job search. Have you considered temporary work? If not, there are many advantages to these kinds of…
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