Unhappy at Your Current Job? It’s a Great Time to Be a Job Seeker
Job Seekers/Employees
If you’re looking for a new job, now’s the ideal time to launch your search. With so many job openings across a range of industries, employers are struggling to find and hire qualified…
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Using Your Network of Friends to Help You Get a Job
Job Seekers/Employees
For most people, they keep their personal and professional lives separate. However, if you’re interested in finding a new job opportunity, can you tap into the power of friendships?…
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Can You Submit the Same Resume to Multiple Jobs?
Job Seekers/Employees
Your resume is your ticket into the hiring process. When it comes to creating a powerful, professional one, it can take a lot of time and effort. Once you’re done, can you send it into different…
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How Many Applications Should I Be Sending Out?
Job Seekers/Employees
When you’re on the hunt for a new job, it’s tempting to apply to as many as possible. However, that strategy isn’t a good one. You’ll have less time to spend on each…
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The Job Search After Long Term Unemployment
Job Seekers/Employees
When you’ve been out of the workforce for a while, it can feel overwhelming to re-enter it. You might have a mix of emotions about it, from stress and apprehension to relief and readiness. …
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4 Mental Benefits of Getting Back to Work
Job Seekers/Employees
The last year has been filled with uncertainty and challenges. If one of them was a job loss, it was even more difficult.  It's often not just a position that's lost, but a sense of…
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Should I Talk to my Boss if I am Unhappy at Work?
Job Seekers/Employees
With a high unemployment rate and so much uncertainty due to COVID-19, you might think you’re stuck in your current position. However, if you’re not happy at work, you can still take…
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Ready to Set New Career Goals? Here’s Where to Start
Job Seekers/Employees
With the start of a New Year, it’s a great time to step back and reassess your career. If you’re like most people, your workplace situation might be off track from all the chaos of 2020.…
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Should You Put Your Job Search on Pause through the Holidays?
Job Seekers/Employees
It's the time of year for snowfall, sleigh bells, and snuggling by the fire. You want to enjoy this magical season; however, you also want a new job too. Should you put off your search until after…
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Summer 2020: Do Yourself a Favor & Walk Outside During Your Lunch Break!
Job Seekers/Employees
You know walking is good for your physical health. It burns calories, keeps obesity at bay, and lowers the risk of heart disease. But when it comes to your workday, walking during your lunch hour can…
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5 Ways to Prep for a Video Interview
Job Seekers/Employees
If you’re interviewing for jobs in Grand Rapids, the process might be a bit different than what you’re used to with phone screens and video interviews. While phone screens have been a part…
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Maneuvering Your Job Search Through COVID-19
Job Seekers/Employees
Right now times are very uncertain, very stressful and even a bit frightening. The COVID-19 outbreak has not only caused a health crisis but an economic crisis, as well. In a matter of days, millions…
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