How to Nail Your Year-End Performance Review

It’s the season for performance reviews and it’s important to prepare and plan ahead if you have one coming up. While most employees dread these evaluations, there are some ways where you can maximize them to your advantage, enabling you to reach goals and move ahead in your career. So don’t just wing it.
Prepare For Your Review
Keep track of goals and achievements.
During the year, you should be documenting goals and achievements. This includes anything from positive feedback from a customer to winning a new client, increasing sales numbers, or successfully managing through difficult circumstances. You want to position yourself as a valuable employee and showcasing your accomplishments will help do that.
Think about the impact you make.
Beyond tracking goals achieved and being ready to discuss them during a performance review, also connect the dots to the value these add to the company. When you’re able to demonstrate the positive impact you make, you’ll be an employee that your company wants to retain.
Evaluate areas where you want to grow.
Is there a certain skill set you want to acquire? Are there areas in your job where you need additional support? Do you want to take on more responsibility at your company? Whatever the case, be ready to talk about growth opportunities with your boss during your performance review. Now’s the ideal time to speak up and discuss what you want to achieve in the year ahead.
Be open to feedback.
Don’t get defensive when your boss offers you constructive feedback. While nobody wants to hear negative comments, it’s necessary to evolve and continue to hit company goals. Take feedback in stride about what’s working and what’s not, and ask for ways to incorporate it into your work. Talk about future steps and how your boss will measure progress.
Leave on a positive note.
If a performance review didn’t go the way you wanted it to, don’t get emotional. Instead, thank your boss for the feedback and remain professional. It’s not easy, but you’ll go a long way in maintaining a positive image with your boss.
Want More Support on Your Career Journey?
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